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Student Transfer from Foreign Educational Institutions

The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov", along with other Russian universities, transfers students from other educational institutions.

From March 1, 2022, the transfer of citizens receiving foreign education to Russian universities is implemented in accordance with the Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 607 "Procedures for Transfer of Students to Other Academic Institutions, Engaged in the Provision of Programmes of Higher Education at the Corresponding Degree Level", dated July 12, 2021.

Does UlSPU plan to transfer Russian students from foreign universities? If so, what is the timeframe for submitting applications?

Documents are accepted throughout the year.

How can Russian students apply for a transfer from a foreign university?

Students can apply for a transfer in one of the following ways:

1)    by email [email protected];

2)    by means of public postal operators;

3)    personally, at the Admissions Office at Ploschad Lenina 4/5, Office 301A. 

What documents are required for Russian students wishing to transfer from a foreign university?

1)    application for a transfer;

2)    certificate of attendance for the period of studies and a transcript with the list of the attended courses, practical trainings and the research work done;

3)    excerpt from the directive on dismissal in connection with the transfer;

4)    document on previous education (original);

5)    document confirming identity (passport).

The procedure for transfer of students from foreign educational institutions to Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University is as follows:

1)    to consider the transfer, the student submits to the Department of Pre-University Education ([email protected]) an application for transfer and a certificate of the period of study;

2)    over the course of 10 (ten) working days from the date of the submission, the documents necessary for the transfer are reviewed for the student's compliance with the requirements provided for by the Procedures for Transfer of Students (Directive of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 607, dated July 12, 2021), and for the establishment of the list of studied courses, which, in the event of a positive decision, will be transferred or subject to re-evaluation, and the period of study to be pursued by the student;

3)    within 5 (five) working days from the date of the decision on transfer, the student is issued a transfer certificate, indicating the degree, code and name of the programme;

4)    within 5 (five) working days from the date of the provision of an excerpt from the directive on dismissal and document on previous education, UlSPU issues a directive on matriculation in light of transfer from a foreign university.

If you have any further questions, contact us by phone +7 8422 44 10 08 or email [email protected].

How many students dismissed from European universities is UlSPU ready to transfer?

From March 1, 2022, the transfer of citizens receiving foreign education to Russian universities is implemented in accordance with the Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 607 "Procedures for Transfer of Students to Other Academic Institutions, Engaged in the Provision of Programmes of Higher Education at the Corresponding Degree Level", dated July 12, 2021.

The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov" will transfer students from foreign educational institutions to any degree programme within the framework of vacant state-funded and fee-paying places. The number of vacant state-funded places is 197.

Will the form of education, funding, year and degree programme be the same when Russian students transfer from foreign universities? Will all courses that the student has studied be transferred?

Transfers to any degree programme are subject to availability at UlSPU. In the event of a transfer to a state-funded place, the total duration of study cannot exceed the period of mastering the degree programme to which the student is being transferred by more than one academic year, which is established by the federal state educational standard (taking into account the form of study and other grounds affecting the period of mastering the degree programme).

In the event of a student's transfer, all studied courses will be transferred or subject to re-evaluation in the manner established by the university. 

How much time will be given to students subject to re-evaluation?

Evaluation exams must be taken before the end of the first exam session following the student's transfer.


Lyudmila V. Semenova, Head of the Department of Pre-University Education

Tel.: +7 8422 44 10 38

Email: [email protected]