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Center for international education

Head of the Centre: Bashirova Zulfiya Gelmanovna

Head of the Centre:
Bashirova Zulfiya Gelmanovna


  • Development of the international cooperation with foreign universities and organisations

  • Coordination, support and participation in international educational programmes.

  • International student, postgraduate student and teacher exchange programmes.

  • Providing visa support and all sorts of help to foreign students at the university.

  • Helping foreign students to adapt to the new socio-linguistic and cultural environment.

  • Additional general educational programmes for foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing for further studies for bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s or postgraduate degrees at UlSPU or at other universities of the Russian Federation.

  • Testing foreign citizens, stateless persons and migrant workers in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation in the Russian Federation.

The International Relations Department provides support for international cooperation with universities and organizations abroad, as well as international communication. It deals with marketing, information support; provides invitations to study at UlSPU for foreign applicants, for students at the preparatory department for foreign citizens and for teachers from abroad. It also helps obtain single- and multiple-entry or exit visas and register with the migration service in Ulyanovsk.

The Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens coordinates and provides support for educational services to foreign citizens and stateless persons while they are mastering their additional general education curricula. The general education programmes are meant to prepare students for obtaining professional education in Russian.

The Testing Centre for Foreign Citizens provides the following services:

  • Comprehensive examination (testing) in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation for migrants wishing to obtain a work permit/ patent, a temporary residence permit or a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

  • Certification exam (testing) inRussian as a ForeignLanguage(basic level, A2) for obtaining Russian citizenship.

  • Certification exam (testing) inRussian as a ForeignLanguagefor a TRKI certificate (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).


Address: 432071, Ulyanovsk, Ploschad Lenina, 4/5, Office 400

Tel.: +78422441092

Fax: +78422443046

E-mail: [email protected]