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The International Relations Department



        Head of the International Relations Department 

Pakhomova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Office. 400.

Tel.:: +7 8422 44 10 92

E-mail: [email protected]


  Imangullova Adeliya Fyarkhatyevna
Office. 400.
Tel.:: +7 8422 44 10 92
E-mail: [email protected]

The International Relations Department:

  • provides international contract-based cooperation with foreign universities, funds, research institutes and other organizations;

  • prepares draft contracts and agreements on international cooperation in the sphere of education and research;

  • supports UlSPU's participation in international educational exhibitions, fairs, forums, congresses and seminars;

  • provides participation of foreign citizens in international career guidance events (Subject Olympiads, contests, forums and seminars);

  • provides information for foreign applicants on study programmes, curricula, types and conditions of studies, as well as on the periods of stay, terms of registration and departure;

  • issues invitations to study at UlSPU for foreign applicants and for students at the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens;

  • supports foreign student’s visa extension and registration at the place of stay;

  • supports obtaining medical insurance for foreign students, consults foreign students about sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules within the laws of the Russian Federation;

  • organizes social events aimed at adaptation of foreign citizens to the living conditions and studying in the new social and cultural environment;

  • informs teachers, the staff, students, and postgraduates of UlSPU about the possibility of participating in international exchange programmes.

Address: 432071, Ulyanovsk, Ploschad Lenina, 4/5, Office 400

Tel.: +78422441092; +7 8422443069

Fax: +78422443046

E-mail: [email protected]