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Research Center for Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology of Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov

Research Center for Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology of Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov implements fundamental and applied, including experimental, research in the field of morphology (histology, cytology), cellular technologies, biochemistry and toxicology, developmental and reproductive biology, ecology, biodiversity, molecular biology, and also trains highly qualified scientific and pedagogical specialists, which is ensured by the close interaction of fundamental and applied sciences with an educational process.

Within the framework of the directions declared in the license of the Center, medical activities are carried out in the following spheres:

When providing primary pre-medical health care:

-       Medical microbiology,

-       Histology;

When providing primary specialized health care in non-hospital settings:

-       Medical microbiology,

-       Allergology and immunology,

-       Clinical laboratory diagnostics,

-       Pathological anatomy

Research Center has a set of laboratories equipped with modern high-tech equipment:


Cell Technology Laboratory


Molecular Biology Laboratory


Morphology Laboratory (Histology, Cytology)


Laboratory Of Biochemistry And Toxicology


Laboratory Of Ecology And Biodiversity Problems

World practice of Biologists’ work in medicine:

1. Forensic biologist

Forensic biologists work in crime labs, but are most often associated with universities, museums, or other government agencies. These scientists typically serve as consultants to medical examiners and coroners when conducting research in forensic biology.

2. Medical Laboratory Assistant, also known as a medical technologist or clinical laboratory assistant, deals with the analysis of various biological samples. They conduct sample studies and present the results to doctors.

3. Cytogenetic technologist. Cytogenetic technologists are laboratory technicians who prepare, examine, and analyze chromosomes in patients' DNA. They work with doctors to help diagnose and treat a variety of genetic diseases, such as congenital diseases, blood disorders, tumors, and birth defects.

4. Molecular genetics technologist. Molecular genetics technologists work in laboratories and study the role of genetics in medicine. Technologists analyze a patient's DNA to investigate, diagnose, and treat a variety of different diseases and disorders, such as cancer, congenital diseases, and nervous system disorders. A molecular genetics technologist can analyze DNA to detect abnormalities that lead to the growth of tumors, or study fetal DNA to see if a baby will have a disorder like Down syndrome at birth.

5. Cytotechnologist. Cytotechnology is a microscopic study of body cells in order to detect cancer, viral and bacterial infections, etc. Cytotechnology techniques can identify precancerous or cancerous cells. Cytotechnologists usually work closely with a pathologist.

6. Histology technician. Histology technicians, also known as histotechnologists, are specialized medical laboratory workers. They play a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by turning tissue samples into microscope slides. Once a tissue sample is taken from the patient, histologists are responsible for collecting the sample and creating these microscopic structures. After sample preparation, the pathologist examines the slides for diagnostic or research purposes.

7. Paramedic. Medical assistants can work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, behavioral health hospitals and doctors' offices. They solve administrative and clinical tasks, from maintaining patient records to measuring blood pressure.

8. Physician assistant. Physician assistants are healthcare providers licensed to diagnose and treat patients and prescribe medications. They can work in hospitals, outpatient medical centers, doctor's offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes.

9. Medical laboratory technicians, also known as clinical laboratory specialists or medical laboratory technologists. Medical technologists, also called clinical laboratory scientists, or medical laboratory scientists, are responsible for performing tests on blood and other body fluids to help doctors diagnose and treat diseases. Medical laboratory assistants can work in many fields or specialize in one particular field of medicine, for example, cytology (study of cells), hematology (study of blood, especially at the cellular level), serology (study and identification of detected antibodies), in histology (examination of body tissues), perform a wide range of routine tests related to the operation of blood banks, the provision of blood transfusion services and the investigation of blood diseases and transfusion reactions. Many medical technologists work in clinical laboratories of hospitals or other medical institutions.